I am passionate about helping people of all ages embrace their true selves and work towards healing. It is an honor for me to support my clients as they navigate life's challenges. I take pride in creating a welcoming and affirming environment for individuals who are LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent. I am a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) working towards becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). I have been in the social work field for 4 years and graduated with my MSW from LSU.
My approach is centered on compassion, non-judgment, and personalized care. I enjoy incorporating my clients' interests into their sessions and believe in tailoring each session to the individual, recognizing that every person's journey is unique. I specialize in clients with depression and anxiety and clients on the autism spectrum.
I aim to create a warm, safe, and inclusive space where clients feel heard, seen, and understood. Healing and growth flourish in an environment where one can express themselves freely without fear of judgment.
Provider Info
Working Days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
Provider Type:
Counseling - Social Worker
Appointment availability:
Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
- In Office
Not Required
Contact Information
Public Contact Email:
8211 Summa Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA, Suite F 70809
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
- Female
Provider Race:
- White
Languages Spoken:
- English
Ages And Genders
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Cultural Competence
- Gender affirming
- LGBTQIA+ friendly
- Trauma Informed
- Spiritual
Ages Treated:
- Child (aged 6-10)
- PreTeen (aged 11-12)
- Teen (aged 13-15)
- Older Teen (aged 16 - 17)
- Adult (18-64)
- Elders (aged 65-74)
- Geriatrics (aged 75+)
Genders Treated:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Cisgender
- Fluid
- Transgender
Payment types and Insurances
Health Insurances:
- Private Pay/ No Insurance
States (Physical location):
- Louisiana