Currently accepting new clients
Rates: $90-$150
Sliding scale: Yes
Private Pay Only
My practice offers comprehensive counseling services for individuals, children, and adolescents with an emphasis on providing parenting education/support. The goal is to help build emotional wholeness, and wellness, within one's internal/external systems while utilizing evidenced- based therapeutic practices that meet your treatment plan goals.
My clinical experience expands on working with school-age children, and their familes addressing behavioral and emotional concerns with lack of motivation, isolation, and presenting symptoms of ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Self-esteem, interpersonal conflict with family and peers.
I am a therapist, but also human. This gives me the ability to understand the importance of the healing journey in its rarest form. I have an understanding both professionally and personally how environmental stressors, attachment issues, trauma and its effect on development in children into adulthood.
Contact Information
Public Contact Email:
8017 Jefferson Highway, Unit A-5 Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Provider Info
Provider Type:
Counseling - Social Worker
Appointment availability:
Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
- In Office
- Virtual
Not Required
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
- Female
Provider Race:
- Black or African American
Languages Spoken:
- English
Ages And Genders
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Cultural Competence
- LGBTQIA+ friendly
- Trauma Informed
- Other
Ages Treated:
- Child (aged 6-10)
- PreTeen (aged 11-12)
- Teen (aged 13-15)
- Adult (18-64)
Genders Treated:
- Male
- Female
- Fluid
- Transgender
Payment types and Insurances
Payment Options:
- Cash
- Check
- American Express
- Discover
- Mastercard
- Visa
- HSA Card
- HSA Check
- FSA Card
- FSA Check
- Other
Health Insurances:
- Private Pay/ No Insurance
States (Physical location):
- Louisiana
License Credentials:
Link to Licensing Board or Credentials
Send Referral to:
[email protected]