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Dr. Nick Yiannios, DDS

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Dr. Nick Yiannios

Born in New Haven, Connecticut, Dr. Nick Yiannios was the firstborn of a Greek immigrant who traveled to the U.S. to seek his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry. Sharing his father’s passion for the arts and sciences, after high school, Nick Yiannios traveled to Texas seeking an education in microbiology, that branch of science that deals with microorganisms. After obtaining his B.S. in microbiology from Texas A&M University, his passions naturally led him into the dental profession. In 1993, Dr. Nick Yiannios graduated from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School with his D.D.S. degree and subsequently moved to Dallas, Texas.

After a 2-year stint of practicing in a group setting in Dallas, Dr. Nick Yiannios found that he missed the four seasons, and subsequently moved himself and his new family north to the Ozarks and opened a dental practice in the safe, and family-oriented town of Branson, Missouri. Over the next 20 years, he nurtured both his practice and his clinical skills in the heart of the Midwest, rekindling his childhood hobby of fishing the lakes and rivers of the region as time permitted.

On a professional level over these formative years, Dr. Nick Yiannios found that much of the tradition and analog dogma that pervaded his chosen profession was a hindrance to the predictable practice of general/cosmetic/esthetic dentistry and other aspects of dental medicine, and systematically introduced a highly unique combination of objective digital protocols, one by one, into his practice.  In the mid-2000s, Dr. Nick Yiannios integrated digital robotic CEREC CAD/CAM dental technology into his practice, allowing him to eliminate the need for the error-ridden molds, temporaries, and dental laboratories that most dentists rely completely upon, vastly increasing the conservatism, efficacy, accuracy, efficiency of production, and placement of his esthetic crowns, veneers, inlays, and onlays. A few years later, the decision was made to eliminate the paper in the practice, and his office went completely digital, vastly increasing efficiency and accuracy.  In 2009, after earning a fellowship in the organization, Dr. Nick Yiannios was asked to serve on the Board of the Academy of CAD/CAM Dentistry, an international organization mandated to disseminate the efficient and ethical practice of digital CAD/CAM dentistry. A year later, Dr. Nick Yiannios began integrating digital bite T-Scan® technology into his dental practice to complement and improve upon his dental treatment outcomes. Other unique and highly specialized technologies soon followed, each intentionally integrated to yield more beautiful, functional, and healthier outcomes.

Dr. Nick Yiannios DDS Is an Experienced NWA Cosmetic and CEREC Dentist in Rogers

  • Fellow & Accredited Member, The Academy of CAD/CAM Dentistry
  • Member, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
  • Member, International Association of Mercury Free Dentists
  • Accreditation Candidate, the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • 1993 Graduate The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School
  • Master and Founder, of the Center for Neural Occlusion

In 2012, while treating his patients with a combination of these specialized technologies, Dr. Nick Yiannios observed something that no other dental professional had ever statistically documented; a predictable correlation between hypersensitive teeth and painful chewing muscles (dental hypersensitivity and muscular TMD issues), treatable via a digitally directed, single dental treatment visit protocol. A few months later, he was asked to author a chapter in a dental textbook describing this phenomenon (that he labeled Frictional Dental Hypersensitivity or FDH) to the dental profession. Simultaneously, Dr. Nick Yiannios began uploading live patient video case studies to the World Wide Web displaying patient responses to his one visit treatment protocol. Over time, patients and other doctors began contacting the practice from afar, some from countries far outside of the U.S.

Though highly successful in his burgeoning Branson general and cosmetic dentistry practice, in late 2013, Dr. Nick Yiannios and his beautiful wife and partner in life Valana, made the decision to open a new, state-of-the-art dental practice in NWA, where others in their family now reside. With one of their sons (who is a U of A law school graduate and practicing attorney in NWA) settling down in NWA, and with yet another son slated to attend U of A, it simply made sense to make a mid-career move. The thought of treating patients who are also transplants from other regions of the country sounded appealing to Dr. Nick Yiannios since he too had followed this type of geographic path himself. Bringing many general, TMD, esthetic, and cosmetic dental treatments that do not presently exist in NWA, coupled with his passion for clinical dentistry and Valana's vast experience in efficiency of systems gleaned from her many years in the business world; this combination will nicely serve the families of the progressive NWA metroplex.

Intuitively, a dental practice that respects the patient’s time, desires, and important regard for optimum oral health will quickly earn the respect of NWA residents. Additionally, a larger airport that could assist in connecting those patients who travel from afar to seek treatment in the practice was just what Dr. Nick Yiannios ordered!


  • Academy of CAD/CAM Dentistry (ACCD) Status: Fellow & Accredited member
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) Status: Accreditation candidate
  • IAOMT (International Association of Oral Medicine & Toxicology) Status: SMART Member
  • American Dental Association (ADA) Status: Member
  • 1988 Graduate Texas A&M University; B.S. Microbiology
  • 1993 Graduate: The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School
  • Status:  Master, Center for Neural Occlusion (MCNO)
  • Arkansas Dental Association Status: Member
Provider Info
Working Days:
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
Provider Type:   
Appointment availability: Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
  • In Office
Contact Information
Phone: 479- 876-8000
Address: 3718 S Pinnacle Hills Pkwy, Rogers, AR 72758 72758
HIPAA compliant Fax number: 479-876-8878
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
  • Male
Languages Spoken:
  • English
Payment types and Insurances
Health Insurances:
  • Private Pay/ No Insurance
  • Other not listed
States (Physical location):
  • Arkansas
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