I enjoy working with a wide range of clients who have unique needs and diverse backgrounds. My clients often struggle with depression, anxiety, ADHD, trauma, and substance abuse. I am especially familiar with opioid abuse and the use of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). I also have experience working with the elderly and their family. My work includes educating their families and caregivers about dementia and how to use various interventions to ease the pain of this disease. I remind their caregivers how to take care of themselves as well.
I take a very proactive approach to your therapy while still allowing you to direct where every session goes. I recognize that you are the expert on yourself which can be very empowering for you.
Deciding to reach out for help can be as difficult as living with a mental illness. Please, reach out and tell me what your concerns are to decide if we will be a good fit for counseling.
Provider Info
Working Days:
- Sunday
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
Provider Type:
Counseling - Social Worker
Appointment availability:
Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
- Virtual
Not Required
Contact Information
Public Contact Email:
view our website
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
- Male
Provider Race:
- White
Languages Spoken:
- English
Ages And Genders
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Cultural Competence
- Gender affirming
- Trauma Informed
- Spiritual
Ages Treated:
- PreTeen (aged 11-12)
- Teen (aged 13-15)
- Adult (18-64)
- Elders (aged 65-74)
- Geriatrics (aged 75+)
Genders Treated:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Cisgender
- Fluid
- Transgender
Payment types and Insurances
Payment Options:
- American Express
- Discover
- Mastercard
- Visa
- HSA Card
- FSA Card
Health Insurances:
- Private Pay/ No Insurance
- Aetna
- Cigna
- Optum
- Oscar
- Oscar Health Insurance Co.
- UnitedHealthCare
- UnitedHealthcare Oxford
States (Physical location):
- Louisiana
States (Virtual/Travel to):
- Mississippi
Schedule Link