Balance and Bloom is a trauma informed counseling practice that is committed to helping people learn and grow. As a social worker, I value ethical and informed decision making, relationships, and meting people where they are in life. I am proud to offer EMDR as the main modality of treatment, in order to promote compassion, understanding, and change.
Provider Info
Working Days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Provider Type:
Counseling - Social Worker
Appointment availability:
Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
- In Office
- Virtual
Not Required
Contact Information
(504) 517-5899
Public Contact Email:
37292 Market Place Drive, Prairieville, LA, Suite C 70769
view our website
HIPAA compliant Fax number:
(225) 612-6648
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
- Female
Provider Race:
- White
Languages Spoken:
- English
Ages And Genders
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- Cultural Competence
- Trauma Informed
- Veteran/Military
Ages Treated:
- Adult (18-64)
- Elders (aged 65-74)
- Geriatrics (aged 75+)
Payment types and Insurances
Payment Options:
- Cash
- Check
- American Express
- Discover
- Mastercard
- Visa
Health Insurances:
- Private Pay/ No Insurance
- Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- UnitedHealthCare
States (Physical location):
- Louisiana
Send Referral to:
Manda Brown, LCSW