Research in the field of mental health treatment has consistently demonstrated that one variable - the quality of the relationship between client and therapist - is most strongly correlated with positive outcomes in therapy. I work to form a trusting therapeutic alliance with my clients, and to provide a safe, healing environment. I believe therapy can be an affirmation of what makes us human: our inherent tendency to seek connection and healing in collaboration with others.
I have worked in a variety of treatment settings, including an inpatient detox and crisis stabilization center, in residential addiction treatment, and as an outpatient therapist, serving clients with a wide range of challenges including trauma/PTSD, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive features, depression, family-of-origin problems, and other challenges.
My clinical style has been described as warm, validating, and authentic. Some of the tools I use in my practice are humanistic/person-centered therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), existential therapy, inner child work, expressive arts, and mindfulness. I am a neurodiversity affirming therapist. I look forward to hearing from you!
Provider Info
Working Days:
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
Provider Type:
Counseling - Social Worker
Appointment availability:
Accepting New Patients/Clients
Service Location:
- In Office
- Virtual
Not Required
Contact Information
775 525 4106
Public Contact Email:
888 West 2nd Street, Reno, NV 89503
view our website
NPI unique identification number:
Provider Details
Provider Sex:
- Female
Provider Race:
- White
Languages Spoken:
- English
Ages And Genders
- Adverse Childhood Experiences
- LGBTQIA+ friendly
- Trauma Informed
- Other
Ages Treated:
- Adult (18-64)
- Elders (aged 65-74)
- Geriatrics (aged 75+)
Genders Treated:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Cisgender
- Fluid
- Transgender
Payment types and Insurances
Payment Options:
- Cash
- Check
- American Express
- Discover
- Mastercard
- Visa
- HSA Card
- FSA Card
Health Insurances:
- Other not listed
States (Physical location):
- Nevada
License Credentials:
Link to Licensing Board or Credentials