Wellyoh is a term coined by its creator from the words “Well Your Own Health” and meaning to take ownership of one’s own health and wellness. Wellyoh offers the ability to do this by having a national directory with a comprehensive lists of provider types who can help someone address their health care needs. This means one place to find all the resources for your physical and mental wellness.
Wellyoh has been the dream of Melissa Shaw for more than a decade. Melissa is a social worker, a mom and has been a hospital case manager. As a Social Worker, Melissa has helped to facilitate referrals to other therapists based on location, insurances accepted, ages treated, languages spoken, therapies offered and more. She has located resources for clients who needed psychological testing, were seeking a Neurologist specialized in concussions, wanting a PCP who shared in their preferred treatment style, desiring a medication conservative Psychiatrist, in need of a Hospice with a respite unit, and more. As a mom, she sought pediatric providers for GERD, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Auto Immune Disorder, Convergence Insufficiency and even had to find a specialized anesthesiologist one time. As a hospital case manager facilitating discharge planning, she would seek outpatient occupational and physical therapists specialized in certain modalities of treatments, obtain MD orders, refer to inpatient facilities based on the onsite equipment, coordinate non emergent medical transportation, locate regular DME by insurance and service area, while also discovering pediatric or bariatric DME providers. For every dilemma solved, she thought of scenarios that would be challenge anybody and wanted to do better than her own memory, old school rolodex, note taking, or spread sheet. She knew the time taken to find a provider based on the patients criteria and the frustration with searching. Patient’s caregivers seemed even more frustrated to find a referral was needed, a provider did not serve that area, their insurance portal was not correct, or the provider they contacted was not accepting new patients. She sought an all in one resource directory and when she could not find what was needed, she began designing the data points that mattered. With an awesome team, they constructed her idea into reality.
Wellyoh the directory was born. Every aspect is to help another. Wellyoh is set up to serve an individual seeking services as well as a provider facilitating referrals. Though it only host providers in the directory which is likened to the yellow pages on steroids. An all in one location and similarly styled layout is a national directory that is truly comprehensive. It affords anyone in the United States to find who they need to get them well by some amazing refining features. Wellyoh truly wants to see you get and stay well.